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Spirulina Powder & Tablets – Buy 100% Pure Spirulina for Health Benefits


Biogetica is truly delighted to present SpiruLiva, a synergistic blend of pure organic Spirulina with Astaxanthin that has been specially formulated to maximize your Nutrition and Health.

Spirulina hat weltweit eine enorme Anhängerschaft bei Gesundheits- und Wellnessinteressierten gewonnen. Es ist eine Mikroalge, die heute als eines der nährstoffreichsten Superfoods der Welt gilt.

What makes Spirulina and Astaxanthin Beneficial for You?

Spirulina has demonstrated numerous health benefits and most of these benefits are attributed to phycocyanin- an active wonder molecule, which is considered to be the main wow factor within it. So, it is mainly phycocyanin(the antioxidant pigment that also confers the characteristic blue green colour to spirulina) that gives Spirulina its immune boosting, free radical scavenging, lipid peroxidation, liver protecting, enzyme enhancing, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying powers. Most Spirulina, however, only contains about 5 to 10% of phycocyanin. Biogetica over the years has used enhanced natural processes to develop a spirulina that consistently has over 20% phycocyanin, which means that you get the best source of nutrition to boost your health and wellness. We believe that this will make a difference that you can feel daily!

The other natural ingredient in our product is Astaxanthin, also sourced from micro-algae. This reddish pigment is the most supreme form of antioxidants out there, as it has been indicated to be at least 10 to 100 times more potent than carotenoids like lycopene and beta-carotene and almost 500 times better than Vitamin E. Moreover, it also known to cross the blood-brain and blood-retina barriers, thereby, protecting the brain and eye cells from free radical damage.

We, at Biogetica take it one step further. Our quality of astaxanthin is cultured with patented processes that have potentially upped its effectiveness over 300% in comparison to synthetic sources of astaxanthin often found in the marketplace.

10 Proven Benefits of Spirulina and Astaxanthin

There have been numerous studies conducted on spirulina to confirm the potential benefits that this superfood has been claimed to possess: Some of the research studies have shown that Spirulina:

  1. Reduziert den systolischen und diastolischen Blutdruck und hat einen hypolipemischen Effekt auf den Gesamtcholesterinspiegel und den LDL-Spiegel. 1
  2. Verhindert die Entwicklung von Atherosklerose durch Verringerung des oxidativen Stresses. 2
  3. Schützt die Leber vor Toxizität, die durch Umwelt- und Industrieabgase verursacht wird. 3
  4. Übt eine neuroprotektive Wirkung aus und beugt Neurotoxizität und oxidativem Stress vor, die mit der Pathogenese neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen wie Parkinson verbunden sind. 4
  5. Verhindert Schädigungen der Skelettmuskulatur unter Belastung durch Bewegung und erhöht die Ausdauer der Muskeln. 5
  6. Zeigt Schutzwirkungen gegen allergische Rhinitis durch Modulation der Immunfunktionen und Hemmung von Entzündungszellen (Zytokinen), die für allergische Reaktionen verantwortlich sind. 6
  7. Zeigt antivirale Aktivität gegen Herpes-simplex-Virustyp 2.   7
  8. Besitzt entzündungshemmende, antioxidative und antiarthritische Wirkungen. 8
  9. Zeigt chemo-schützende und funkschützende Eigenschaften. 9
  10. Verbessert humorale und zellvermittelte Immunfunktionen und verbessert somit das Potenzial für die Resistenz gegen Krankheiten. 10

Spirulina Powder & Tablets – Buy 100% Pure Spirulina for Health Benefits

Spiruliva 80 Tablettenflasche

Sales Price – $24.99
Pack of 3 Sale Price – $67.00

Spirulina Powder & Tablets – Buy 100% Pure Spirulina for Health Benefits

Spiruliva 160 Tablettenflasche

Sales Price – $39.00
Pack of 3 Sale Price – $105.00

Die Forschung zu Astaxanthin hat folgendes berichtet:

Together, the two make a potent and powerful daily supplement for total body health. Our product, SpiruLiva will potentially detoxify, alkalize, nourish and rejuvenate your body and immunity like few other natural substances on the planet can.

How is Our SpiruLiva Different From Other Spirulina Products in the Market?

We believe our SpiruLiva to be way beyond any Spirulina on the market owing to the following attributes we have enhanced after years of research:

  • Hoher Phycocyaningehalt, der auf natürliche Weise in der gesamten Alge und nicht über Extrakte erreicht wird.
  • Synergistisches Mischen mit natürlich vorkommendem Astaxanthin, mit dem die Nährstoffe in Spirulina effizienter in den Zellen und auch an der Blut-Hirn-Schranke vorbeigeführt werden können.
  • SpiruLiva ermöglicht die gesamte Körpergesundheit auf zellulärer Ebene, da Spirulina und Astaxanthin starke Radikalfänger und Singulettlöscher sind. Darüber hinaus werden diese natürlichen Inhaltsstoffe schnell absorbiert, da sie im gesamten Körper bioverfügbar sind.
  • SpiruLiva enthält über 100 lebensnotwendige Mikronährstoffe, die von Vitaminen, Mineralien, Phytonährstoffen, essentiellen Fettsäuren und Spurenelementen reichen. Diese Nährstoffe sind alle für Ihr Wohlbefinden unerlässlich.
  • Unser grünes Superfood wirkt auf die Alkalisierung und Verjüngung Ihres Körpers durch die Beseitigung jeglichen toxischen Infiltrations.
  • Sowohl Spirulina als auch Astaxanthin wirken möglicherweise am besten bei der Unterdrückung von Entzündungen und der Stärkung der Immunität.
  • SpiruLiva enthält die stärksten und natürlichsten Quellen von organischem Spirulina und Astaxanthin. Die in unserem Produkt gemischte Spirulina wurde getestet und erhielt Zertifizierungen von verschiedenen Behörden, darunter USDA Organic, OCIA Organic, Ecocert Organic, Naturland Organic & GRAS. Darüber hinaus ist unsere Spirulina-Sorte die einzige von USP Verified & California Proposition 65 zugelassene Sorte. Der Astaxanthin-Bestandteil wird auch in einer streng kontrollierten Umgebung kultiviert, um seine Qualität und Reinheit sicherzustellen, und wurde getestet, um einen 329% höheren ORAC-Wert als andere üblicherweise verwendete synthetische Astaxanthine zu haben.
  • Die meisten der natürlich gewachsenen Spirulina sind bekanntermaßen mit hohen Schwermetallwerten belastet, da sie sich während der Kultivierung mit Schwermetallen verbinden können. Unsere Spirulina-Quelle wird jedoch strengen Tests zur Qualitätskontrolle unterzogen, um sicherzustellen, dass sie frei von möglichen Verunreinigungen wie Schwermetallen, Mikroorganismen, Chemikalien, GVO-Lösungsmitteln, Toxinen, radioaktiven Stoffen usw. sind.

Warum sollten Sie SpiruLiva zu einem Bestandteil Ihres Gesundheitsplans machen?

Heavy Metal Slayer

Spirulina’s active constituents are assumed to chelate toxic heavy metals like mercury, lead, and aluminium within the blood and aid in their expulsion from the cellular systems of the body.

Antidote to Radioactive stress

Comprehensive Clinical studies have identified spirulina’s capability to attach to heavy radioactive isotopes and expel them from the system. Spirulina has also shown to protect from gamma radiation.

Brain and Eye Health Tonic

Some evidence suggests that Astaxanthin has a unique ability to cross the blood-brain and blood-retina barrier making it a valuable resource in neutralizing unstable free radicals in the eyes and brain. This potential indigenous property highlights its use in nourishing, repairing and maintaining brain cells and improving memory, cognitive performances and vision.

Healthy and Younger looking skin

Studies indicate that Spirulina and astaxanthin are powerful antioxidants and thus help your skin look vibrant, youthful, and healthy by resisting the two biggest healthy skin foes: oxidative stress and inflammation. Spirulina supplies the essential nutrients for healthy skin while astaxanthin fights the free radicals and inflammation that make skin age faster. Both of them synergistically fight off the degenerative changes that lead to most skin issues like acne, wrinkles, age spots, and reduction in skin elasticity.

Enhanced Cellular Health of the Body

Spirulina’s rich and dense nutrient profile complements the powerful antioxidant properties of astaxanthin. Together they work at the grass root level to restore, improve and optimize cellular health. Healthy cells are imperative for vitality and optimum functioning of the body, as they make up every organ and facet of the human being.

Improved Levels of Immunity

Several studies have highlighted that daily consumption of spirulina and astaxanthin improve humoral and cellular immunity levels making the body more resilient to bacterial, fungal and bacterial infections.

Enhanced Cardiovascular Functions

Both spirulina and astaxanthin have shown that they help lower blood pressure, decrease lipids and improve circulation in the various clinical studies conducted.

Stronger Muscles and a Healthier Musculoskeletal System

Spirulina’s active constituents have reported to increase endurance, improve muscle strength and protect the joints from oxidative stress and free radical damage.

Spirulina Powder & Tablets – Buy 100% Pure Spirulina for Health Benefits

Spiruliva 80 Tablettenflasche

Sales Price – $24.99
Pack of 3 Sale Price – $67.00

Spirulina Powder & Tablets – Buy 100% Pure Spirulina for Health Benefits

Spiruliva 160 Tablettenflasche

Sales Price – $39.00
Pack of 3 Sale Price – $105.00

Foil Free Radical Destructive Effects

Both spirulina and astaxanthin are potent free radical scavengers. They span across the body and pull out free radicals that cause oxidative stress. Free radicals, which are toxic byproducts of oxygen metabolism, are highly unstable reactive molecules that impede cellular health. They try to bind to neighbouring cells by stealing their electrons and start a chain reaction slowly destroying cells throughout the body. They have been found to be a root cause of nearly every possible chronic and degenerative disease.

Weaken Inflammation Biomarkers

Inflammation is another degenerative agent found at the core of many chronic diseases. It attacks health at the cellular level by disrupting cellular signaling and their ability to communicate with each other. Both spirulina and astaxanthin have shown to reduce CRP (C-reactive protein) levels, the biomarker used to measure inflammation levels in the body.

Reduce Acid Levels in the Body

Spirulina is a potent alkalinizing superfood that lessens acidity levels within the body. An acidic body state is more vulnerable to disease and poor health. Imbalanced alkaline levels create a toxic environment for cells and interfere in their functioning.

Supply Power Packed Cellular micronutrients

Spirulina contains over 100 essential micronutrients ranging from vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, essential fatty acids, and trace minerals, all in dense form. Its vast nutrient profile provides your cells and bodily systems the essential nutrients they need for optimal health.

Daher ist Biogetica an der Spitze der natürlichen Innovationen im Gesundheitswesen, stolz darauf, SpiruLiva mit überlegener Qualität und Wirksamkeit und einem Vorsprung unter allen auf dem Markt erhältlichen Spirulina-Varianten zu präsentieren.

Spirulina Powder & Tablets – Buy 100% Pure Spirulina for Health Benefits

Spiruliva 80 Tablettenflasche

Sales Price – $24.99
Pack of 3 Sale Price – $67.00

Spirulina Powder & Tablets – Buy 100% Pure Spirulina for Health Benefits

Spiruliva 160 Tablettenflasche

Sales Price – $39.00
Pack of 3 Sale Price – $105.00

[+] Referenzen


Alle unsere Produkte werden in FDA-konformen GMP-zertifizierten Labors in Deutschland, der Schweiz, den USA, Indien und Spanien hergestellt. Sie sind entsprechend bei der FDA als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, homöopathische Abschwächungen oder ayurvedische Kräuter registriert. Es wird größte Sorgfalt darauf verwendet, eine optimale Qualität und Reinheit sicherzustellen. Biogetica ist eine Website aus der ganzen Welt. Einige Länder betrachten Ayurveda, TCM, Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, Bioenergetik und Homöopathie als Medizin, andere nicht. Um den verschiedenen FDA-Normen zahlreicher Nationen zu entsprechen, sagen wir:

Ayurveda & Homeopathy may or may not qualify as medicine in your home jurisdiction. The complementary advice of our practitioners who are considered Homeopathic and Ayurvedic Doctors in some jurisdictions does not replace the medical advice given by your primary care physician. Biogetica’s Homeopathic products may be used for treatment of self limiting over the counter ailments in USA, India & Europe that support Homeopathy for OTC use. Biogetica’s Herbal remedies from the Ayurvedic, Chinese and other traditions may only be used to balance the 5 elements and rejuvenate organ systems in countries where Herbs, Ayurveda and TCM are not considered medicine. Biogetica’s ground breaking supplements may only be used to support the ideal structure and function of the various systems in the Human Body.

Informationen auf dieser Website wurden von der Food and Drug Administration nicht bewertet. Unsere Produkte sind nicht dazu gedacht, Krankheiten zu diagnostizieren, zu behandeln, zu heilen oder zu verhindern.

* This peer reviewed and published research has most probably not been studied or approved by the FDA in your country as a treatment or cure. Hence no disease claims can be made and you are welcome to take the natural ingredients for (immunity, lung health, cardiovascular health, etc). Homeopathy is medicine in USA but only for OTC issues. Ayurveda is medicine only in India and TCM is medicine only in China. Switzerland supports insurance payments for Homeopathy.

Gemäß der FTC-Durchsetzungsrichtlinien-Erklärung zu Marketing-Ansprüchen für OTC-Homöopathika muss jeder, der Homöopathie verkauft, angeben.

Es gibt keine ausreichenden wissenschaftlichen Belege dafür, dass die Homöopathie funktioniert, und

The product’s claims are based only on theories of homeopathy from the 1700s that are not accepted by most modern medical experts.

** Unsere Heilmittel werden traditionell seit Jahrhunderten in der Ayurveda und Homöopathie verwendet. Jedes Mittel hat eine unterschiedliche Menge moderner Forschung hinter sich. Wir halten uns, wenn wir uns an das Gesetz halten, nicht auf Wunderheilungen oder dauerhafte Ergebnisse. Einzelne Ergebnisse können von Individuum zu Individuum variieren.

*** Testen Sie unsere Produkte jetzt! Unsere bedingungslose 100% Geld-zurück-Garantie gilt für 90 Tage.

† All Homeopathic products are made in accordance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, a document which has been published for over 100 years and which is recognized as an “official compendium” by Sections 501(b) and 502(e)(3) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 351(b) and 352(e)(3) (“FD&C Act”).” These indications are based solely on traditional homeopathic use. They have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.

†† These testimonials are unsolicited and unedited except for the name of the sender. They contain the senders’ initials or first name only for purposes of privacy. These are actual emails from many we were able to help over the years. Testimonials represent a cross section of the range of outcomes that appear to be typical with these products. Your results may vary. We do however stand by our products and will refund you completely if our products don’t meet your expectations.

What we do is simply point you and your Doctors to independent research from all sources that we know of, on the ingredients or entire formulation of our natural products, which are Herbal, Ayurvedic, Bioenergetic, Homeopathic and Complementary in nature. We invite you to read these studies on our clinical trials page or on Results may vary from person to person as is depicted in the wide range of results seen in the clinical trials.



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