Der Anti-Aging-Durchbruch von heute!

Naturally occurring Nicotinamide molecules have recently seen more interest than any other supplement known to mankind. Growing research has discovered some marvelous effects of the coenzyme Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+/NADH) and its variants. NADH, NR, NAD and NAD+ are now considered the anti-aging breakthroughs of this century as researchers of the leading institutes (like the Harvard Medical School) have declared that they are the only molecules known to mankind to reverse and not just delay aging. This is HUGE and the internet and media are abuzz with news that we may reach eternity in this lifetime. Eternity is questionable, but these natural molecules have definitely shown anti-aging, weight loss and energy-boosting benefits that none others ever have.

Nicotinamid-Adenin-Dinukleotid (NAD) ist eines der wichtigsten Coenzyme in der Zelle. NADH spielt eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Energieerzeugung durch Redoxreaktionen.

Viele kennzeichnen NAD als Jungbrunnen; Unter normalen, gesunden Bedingungen erfüllt unser Körper unsere Bedürfnisse nach NADH, indem er das aus Vitamin B3 (auch als Niacin oder Nicotinamid bezeichnet) erzeugte Coenzym NAD + durch verschiedene katabolische Reaktionen in NADH umwandelt.

Mitochondria are our cells’ energy dynamos. They decay as we age. A prominent theory of aging holds that the decaying of mitochondria is a key driver of aging. While it’s not clear why our mitochondria fade as we age, evidence suggests that it leads to everything from heart failure to neurodegeneration.

Daher kann eine Methodik, die zur Aufrechterhaltung der Mitochondriengesundheit beiträgt, uns dabei helfen, Langlebigkeit und Vitalität zu erreichen, selbst wenn sich unser Alter weiterentwickelt.

Neuere Forschungen legen nahe, dass es möglich ist, den mitochondrialen Zerfall mit Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln umzukehren, die die zellulären Konzentrationen eines Moleküls namens NAD (Nicotinamid Adenin Dinucleotide) erhöhen.

The NAD story took off toward the end of 2013 with a high-profile paper by Harvard’s David Sinclair and colleagues. His lab made headlines when their report suggested that the mitochondria in muscles of elderly mice were rejuvenated to a youthful state after just a week of NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) injections, a molecule that naturally occurs in cells and, like NR, boosts levels of NAD.

Most of these articles tend to suggest that NADH will be available as a drug 3 to 5 years from now. Biogetica, however, has NADH available to all today! The reason behind this is the fact that we bottle naturally occurring NADH as a supplement which is very expensive to derive from food. Most pharmaceutical firms are synthesizing the molecule, and then claiming the synthesized molecule will work like the live food-derived one will. We, however, all know that molecules aren’t life!

NAD-Booster könnten synergistisch mit Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln wie Resveratrol zusammenarbeiten, um die Mitochondrien zu stärken und Alterskrankheiten abzuwehren.

Even before Sinclair’s paper, research findings in 2012 had shown that lab mice fed high-fat diets and administered doses of NR, were 60 percent lighter than they were, when on the same diets without NR. Further, none of the mice on NR showed signs of diabetes, and their energy levels improved. The scientists reportedly characterized NR’s effects on metabolism as “nothing short of astonishing.”

Each new study has sent their price soaring and some quotes we have received are close to $1000 a gram, making naturally occurring Nicotamide variants the most expensive substances on earth presently. Luckily, Biogetica has been sourcing NADH from a high-quality Japanese source that has maintained its honor and originally agreed to price. We are, therefore, happy to bring you this wonder supplement at a price that all can afford and benefit from.

Scientists believe that this naturally occurring compound has exceptional rejuvenating properties and has been shown to repair DNA in the In Vivo tests conducted. This dramatic finding could well be the answer for treating a host of degenerative diseases, allowing vital organs, muscles and nerves, restore the regeneration process that undergoes normal deterioration with age.

Neue Forschung

Researchers at the Harvard medical school demonstrated that within a week of injecting NAD+ to 2-year-old mice; the tissues of the aged mice closely resembled the tissues of six-month-old mice. This led them to conclude that NAD+ could potentially reverse metabolic dysfunction and aging.1

Wissenschaftler der Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) behandelten auch Versuchspersonen mit Nicotinamidribosid (NR). Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Nicotinamidribosid (NR) die Funktion von Stammzellen positiv beeinflusste. 2

Die Forscher behaupten, dies sei ein Durchbruch und könnte das Spiel für regenerative und Anti-Aging-Medizin verändern. In einer früheren Forschungsstudie hatte eine Gruppe von Frauen mit sichtbaren Anzeichen von Lichtalterung bei Anwendung einer topischen Anwendung von 5% Nicotinamid über 12 Wochen signifikante Auswirkungen auf die Verbesserung des Hautbildes und zeigte reduzierte Fälle von rotem und gelbem Fleck, weniger feinen Linien und Falten und verbesserter Elastizität. 3

Most of these articles claim that these molecules will be available in 5 years or so. However, Biogetica as usual is ahead of the curve and we have these groundbreaking molecules available today!

Worum geht es eigentlich bei diesem Wundermolekül?

Zunächst werden Nicotinamid (Niacinamid), Nicotinamidribosid (NR) und Nicotinsäure (Niacin) in gesunden Zellen aus Vitamin B3 (Niacin) gebildet. Mit zunehmendem Alter nimmt unsere Fähigkeit, NADH aus B3 zu erzeugen, drastisch ab. Dies setzt dann die Abwärtsspirale des mitochondrialen Zerfalls in Gang, senkt die Energie und beschleunigt das Altern.

Now, you may have noticed different types of nicotinamide configurations, especially if you’ve read the articles on the anti-aging breakthrough of the century. However, don’t get confused; we’ll sort out the names for you. NAD+ and NADH are just the oxidized and reduced forms of the coenzyme NAD respectively, and NAD is synthesized in the cells from Vitamin B3 and its precursors. It is also important to note that most firms are now on the synthetic Nicotamide bandwagon as natural NADH is way, way more expensive than synthetic NR.

Die 4 wichtigsten Vorläufer für die Produktion von NAD umfassen:

  1. Tryptophan.
  2. Nicotinic Acid (NA).
  3. Nicotinamide (NAM).
  4. Nicotinamide Riboside (NR).

Was sind die besten Ressourcen von NAD?

Since Vitamin B3 is the major precursor in the formation of NAD. Milk, seafood and poultry products are the best bet for getting B3. Other sources include spirulina, avocados, kidney beans (sprouted), buckwheat, sunflower seeds, sprouted grains, legumes and asparagus.

Studien weisen darauf hin, dass hochwertiger Schlaf Ihrem Körper hilft, sich nicht nur selbst zu reparieren, sondern auch mehr NAD zu produzieren.

Darüber hinaus deuten Beweise darauf hin, dass moderate Bewegung die zellulare Energie und folglich die Produktion von NAD erhöht.

However, all this happens only in healthy young cells. As you age the ability to convert B3 into NADH reduces drastically and hence the downward spiral of ageing accelerates. Older people make less NADH, which makes their mitochondria produce less energy. Consequently, they are more lethargic and all these factors contribute to accelerated ageing and even more rapid mitochondrial decay. Increasing NADH levels in your body, therefore, seems to be the best way of getting off this spiral today! With enhanced NADH levels in your body, you potentially regain the energy levels of our youth, stay more active, stay slimmer, and ward off a host of degenerative diseases that occur once the mitochondria start to degenerate.

Die Umwandlung von B3 in NADH ist ein langer Prozess, der Jugend und ausreichend B3 erfordert.

4 mg NADH wird im Allgemeinen als große Dosis betrachtet. Unsere Pillen mischen es mit anderen natürlichen Substanzen, um die Absorption und die synergistische Wirkung zu verbessern. Jeder kann von NADH profitieren, und Sie sollten die Pille wählen, die Ihren Bedürfnissen und Ihrer Familiengeschichte am besten entspricht. Unsere Ärzte können Ihnen dabei helfen.

NAD+ & NADH Bottled For Benefits

NAD+ and NADH can be incorporated into supplements and medicines for amplifying their therapeutic effects. In fact, bioavailability tests have confirmed that NADH if given orally or intraperitoneally, significantly increases NADH amounts in your brain.4

NADH supplementation offers multifarious benefits, which apart from potentially reversing aging also assist in improving mental clarity, memory, and athletic endurance. NADH is also recommended for overcoming fatigue, maintaining a healthy weight and increasing the vitality of the body.

Biogetica started research on NADH in 2009. Today we’re possibly the only firm bottling these groundbreaking molecules in their natural form. We spend the extra amount to do so as synthesized chemicals cannot mimic life. Our NADH molecules are synergistically combined with other natural substances, which enable and enhance their action in the body. The actual amount of NADH needed is small but its action is HUGE. Also, the amount of food needed to make a small amount of NADH is huge!

Recent interest has caused prices to soar. We’ve seen quotes go up from $30 a gram in 2010 to the latest $1000 a gram. Luckily, our Japanese source has honored their original agreement and we continue to offer you affordable, high-quality natural NADH for a limited time!

Welches NADH-Produkt passt zu Ihnen?

Several of our groundbreaking, clinically profiled products incorporate NADH for maximum bioavailability and effect within your body. The NADH in these products is synergistically blended with other herbs and nutraceutical molecules.

Derzeit mischen wir NADH in 5 unserer bahnbrechenden Produkte. Wir alle brauchen NADH, und Sie können das Produkt basierend auf den aktuellen Bedürfnissen Ihres Körpers und der Familiengesundheitsgeschichte auswählen. Sie können mit konsultieren unsere Ärzte kostenlos Wenn Sie nicht sicher sind, welches dieser Produkte Ihnen am besten dient.

For example, if you wish to:

  • Enhance memory and brain function take Cerevitan.
  • Detox and cleanse take Detoxym.
  • Have increased clarity and focus take Serenat.
  • Support the heart and cardiovascular system then take Cardivas.
  • Sleep better than take Dormisol.

Either way, you will get enough NADH and it will come in a manner that suits your specific needs.

We’ve made sure that we include the highest quality, potent and pure NADH in our specific range of nutritional supplements so that you reap its benefits today!


Der Anti-Aging-Durchbruch von heute!

Naturally occurring Nicotinamide molecules have recently seen more interest than any other supplement known to mankind. Growing research has discovered some marvelous effects of the coenzyme Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+/NADH) and its variants. NADH, NR, NAD and NAD+ are now considered the anti-aging breakthroughs of this century as researchers of the leading institutes (like the Harvard Medical School) have declared that they are the only molecules known to mankind to reverse and not just delay aging. This is HUGE and the internet and media are abuzz with news that we may reach eternity in this lifetime. Eternity is questionable, but these natural molecules have definitely shown anti-aging, weight loss and energy-boosting benefits that none others ever have.

Nicotinamid-Adenin-Dinukleotid (NAD) ist eines der wichtigsten Coenzyme in der Zelle. NADH spielt eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Energieerzeugung durch Redoxreaktionen.

Viele kennzeichnen NAD als Jungbrunnen; Unter normalen, gesunden Bedingungen erfüllt unser Körper unsere Bedürfnisse nach NADH, indem er das aus Vitamin B3 (auch als Niacin oder Nicotinamid bezeichnet) erzeugte Coenzym NAD + durch verschiedene katabolische Reaktionen in NADH umwandelt.

Mitochondria are our cells’ energy dynamos. They decay as we age. A prominent theory of aging holds that the decaying of mitochondria is a key driver of aging. While it’s not clear why our mitochondria fade as we age, evidence suggests that it leads to everything from heart failure to neurodegeneration.

Daher kann eine Methodik, die zur Aufrechterhaltung der Mitochondriengesundheit beiträgt, uns dabei helfen, Langlebigkeit und Vitalität zu erreichen, selbst wenn sich unser Alter weiterentwickelt.

Neuere Forschungen legen nahe, dass es möglich ist, den mitochondrialen Zerfall mit Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln umzukehren, die die zellulären Konzentrationen eines Moleküls namens NAD (Nicotinamid Adenin Dinucleotide) erhöhen.

The NAD story took off toward the end of 2013 with a high-profile paper by Harvard’s David Sinclair and colleagues. His lab made headlines when their report suggested that the mitochondria in muscles of elderly mice were rejuvenated to a youthful state after just a week of NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) injections, a molecule that naturally occurs in cells and, like NR, boosts levels of NAD.

Most of these articles tend to suggest that NADH will be available as a drug 3 to 5 years from now. Biogetica, however, has NADH available to all today! The reason behind this is the fact that we bottle naturally occurring NADH as a supplement which is very expensive to derive from food. Most pharmaceutical firms are synthesizing the molecule, and then claiming the synthesized molecule will work like the live food-derived one will. We, however, all know that molecules aren’t life!

NAD-Booster könnten synergistisch mit Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln wie Resveratrol zusammenarbeiten, um die Mitochondrien zu stärken und Alterskrankheiten abzuwehren.

Even before Sinclair’s paper, research findings in 2012 had shown that lab mice fed high-fat diets and administered doses of NR, were 60 percent lighter than they were, when on the same diets without NR. Further, none of the mice on NR showed signs of diabetes, and their energy levels improved. The scientists reportedly characterized NR’s effects on metabolism as “nothing short of astonishing.”

Each new study has sent their price soaring and some quotes we have received are close to $1000 a gram, making naturally occurring Nicotamide variants the most expensive substances on earth presently. Luckily, Biogetica has been sourcing NADH from a high-quality Japanese source that has maintained its honor and originally agreed to price. We are, therefore, happy to bring you this wonder supplement at a price that all can afford and benefit from.

Scientists believe that this naturally occurring compound has exceptional rejuvenating properties and has been shown to repair DNA in the In Vivo tests conducted. This dramatic finding could well be the answer for treating a host of degenerative diseases, allowing vital organs, muscles and nerves, restore the regeneration process that undergoes normal deterioration with age.

Neue Forschung

Researchers at the Harvard medical school demonstrated that within a week of injecting NAD+ to 2-year-old mice; the tissues of the aged mice closely resembled the tissues of six-month-old mice. This led them to conclude that NAD+ could potentially reverse metabolic dysfunction and aging.1

Wissenschaftler der Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) behandelten auch Versuchspersonen mit Nicotinamidribosid (NR). Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Nicotinamidribosid (NR) die Funktion von Stammzellen positiv beeinflusste. 2

Die Forscher behaupten, dies sei ein Durchbruch und könnte das Spiel für regenerative und Anti-Aging-Medizin verändern. In einer früheren Forschungsstudie hatte eine Gruppe von Frauen mit sichtbaren Anzeichen von Lichtalterung bei Anwendung einer topischen Anwendung von 5% Nicotinamid über 12 Wochen signifikante Auswirkungen auf die Verbesserung des Hautbildes und zeigte reduzierte Fälle von rotem und gelbem Fleck, weniger feinen Linien und Falten und verbesserter Elastizität. 3

Most of these articles claim that these molecules will be available in 5 years or so. However, Biogetica as usual is ahead of the curve and we have these groundbreaking molecules available today!

Worum geht es eigentlich bei diesem Wundermolekül?

Zunächst werden Nicotinamid (Niacinamid), Nicotinamidribosid (NR) und Nicotinsäure (Niacin) in gesunden Zellen aus Vitamin B3 (Niacin) gebildet. Mit zunehmendem Alter nimmt unsere Fähigkeit, NADH aus B3 zu erzeugen, drastisch ab. Dies setzt dann die Abwärtsspirale des mitochondrialen Zerfalls in Gang, senkt die Energie und beschleunigt das Altern.

Now, you may have noticed different types of nicotinamide configurations, especially if you’ve read the articles on the anti-aging breakthrough of the century. However, don’t get confused; we’ll sort out the names for you. NAD+ and NADH are just the oxidized and reduced forms of the coenzyme NAD respectively, and NAD is synthesized in the cells from Vitamin B3 and its precursors. It is also important to note that most firms are now on the synthetic Nicotamide bandwagon as natural NADH is way, way more expensive than synthetic NR.

Die 4 wichtigsten Vorläufer für die Produktion von NAD umfassen:

  1. Tryptophan.
  2. Nicotinic Acid (NA).
  3. Nicotinamide (NAM).
  4. Nicotinamide Riboside (NR).

Was sind die besten Ressourcen von NAD?

Since Vitamin B3 is the major precursor in the formation of NAD. Milk, seafood and poultry products are the best bet for getting B3. Other sources include spirulina, avocados, kidney beans (sprouted), buckwheat, sunflower seeds, sprouted grains, legumes and asparagus.

Studien weisen darauf hin, dass hochwertiger Schlaf Ihrem Körper hilft, sich nicht nur selbst zu reparieren, sondern auch mehr NAD zu produzieren.

Darüber hinaus deuten Beweise darauf hin, dass moderate Bewegung die zellulare Energie und folglich die Produktion von NAD erhöht.

However, all this happens only in healthy young cells. As you age the ability to convert B3 into NADH reduces drastically and hence the downward spiral of ageing accelerates. Older people make less NADH, which makes their mitochondria produce less energy. Consequently, they are more lethargic and all these factors contribute to accelerated ageing and even more rapid mitochondrial decay. Increasing NADH levels in your body, therefore, seems to be the best way of getting off this spiral today! With enhanced NADH levels in your body, you potentially regain the energy levels of our youth, stay more active, stay slimmer, and ward off a host of degenerative diseases that occur once the mitochondria start to degenerate.

Die Umwandlung von B3 in NADH ist ein langer Prozess, der Jugend und ausreichend B3 erfordert.

4 mg NADH wird im Allgemeinen als große Dosis betrachtet. Unsere Pillen mischen es mit anderen natürlichen Substanzen, um die Absorption und die synergistische Wirkung zu verbessern. Jeder kann von NADH profitieren, und Sie sollten die Pille wählen, die Ihren Bedürfnissen und Ihrer Familiengeschichte am besten entspricht. Unsere Ärzte können Ihnen dabei helfen.

NAD+ & NADH Bottled For Benefits

NAD+ and NADH can be incorporated into supplements and medicines for amplifying their therapeutic effects. In fact, bioavailability tests have confirmed that NADH if given orally or intraperitoneally, significantly increases NADH amounts in your brain.4

NADH supplementation offers multifarious benefits, which apart from potentially reversing aging also assist in improving mental clarity, memory, and athletic endurance. NADH is also recommended for overcoming fatigue, maintaining a healthy weight and increasing the vitality of the body.

Biogetica started research on NADH in 2009. Today we’re possibly the only firm bottling these groundbreaking molecules in their natural form. We spend the extra amount to do so as synthesized chemicals cannot mimic life. Our NADH molecules are synergistically combined with other natural substances, which enable and enhance their action in the body. The actual amount of NADH needed is small but its action is HUGE. Also, the amount of food needed to make a small amount of NADH is huge!

Recent interest has caused prices to soar. We’ve seen quotes go up from $30 a gram in 2010 to the latest $1000 a gram. Luckily, our Japanese source has honored their original agreement and we continue to offer you affordable, high-quality natural NADH for a limited time!

Welches NADH-Produkt passt zu Ihnen?

Several of our groundbreaking, clinically profiled products incorporate NADH for maximum bioavailability and effect within your body. The NADH in these products is synergistically blended with other herbs and nutraceutical molecules.

Derzeit mischen wir NADH in 5 unserer bahnbrechenden Produkte. Wir alle brauchen NADH, und Sie können das Produkt basierend auf den aktuellen Bedürfnissen Ihres Körpers und der Familiengesundheitsgeschichte auswählen. Sie können mit konsultieren unsere Ärzte kostenlos Wenn Sie nicht sicher sind, welches dieser Produkte Ihnen am besten dient.

For example, if you wish to:

  • Enhance memory and brain function take Cerevitan.
  • Detox and cleanse take Detoxym.
  • Have increased clarity and focus take Serenat.
  • Support the heart and cardiovascular system then take Cardivas.
  • Sleep better than take Dormisol.

Either way, you will get enough NADH and it will come in a manner that suits your specific needs.

We’ve made sure that we include the highest quality, potent and pure NADH in our specific range of nutritional supplements so that you reap its benefits today!


Der Kunde erteilt Biogetica eine private Lizenz, um sie zu ayurvedischen, homöopathischen und anderen Ernährungsmodalitäten zu konsultieren. Alle Produkte werden in GMP- und WHO-registrierten Einrichtungen hergestellt und sind als Zusatzstoffe, Kräuter oder Homöopathien entsprechend registriert.

Our products are considered valid treatments in countries that support Ayurveda, TCM, Homeopathy, Naturopathy and other forms of natural medicine. In others, they can only be sold as supplements to support specific underlying systems and organs. Biogetica is a site visited by millions from across the globe and we err on the safe side of the law by making no claims beyond those supported by the FDA of each individual land, which is the only authority legally allowed to decide if something is a cure or treatment. We at Biogetica support you in your right to know and choose the best of what the earth offers and therefore our Doctors invite you, your Dr and your FDA to read these peer reviewed studies that have been referenced to design our kits, which combine traditionally used natural ingredients from various healing disciplines. For customers from USA we must say “These products are not intended to treat or cure any disease. One must visit a Dr licensed in their state for the treatment of an ailment.”

Sehen Sie, was unsere bestehenden Kunden über uns zu sagen haben


Alle unsere Produkte werden in FDA-konformen GMP-zertifizierten Labors in Deutschland, der Schweiz, den USA, Indien und Spanien hergestellt. Sie sind entsprechend bei der FDA als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, homöopathische Abschwächungen oder ayurvedische Kräuter registriert. Es wird größte Sorgfalt darauf verwendet, eine optimale Qualität und Reinheit sicherzustellen. Biogetica ist eine Website aus der ganzen Welt. Einige Länder betrachten Ayurveda, TCM, Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, Bioenergetik und Homöopathie als Medizin, andere nicht. Um den verschiedenen FDA-Normen zahlreicher Nationen zu entsprechen, sagen wir:

Ayurveda & Homeopathy may or may not qualify as medicine in your home jurisdiction. The complementary advice of our practitioners who are considered Homeopathic and Ayurvedic Doctors in some jurisdictions does not replace the medical advice given by your primary care physician. Biogetica’s Homeopathic products may be used for treatment of self limiting over the counter ailments in USA, India & Europe that support Homeopathy for OTC use. Biogetica’s Herbal remedies from the Ayurvedic, Chinese and other traditions may only be used to balance the 5 elements and rejuvenate organ systems in countries where Herbs, Ayurveda and TCM are not considered medicine. Biogetica’s ground breaking supplements may only be used to support the ideal structure and function of the various systems in the Human Body.

Informationen auf dieser Website wurden von der Food and Drug Administration nicht bewertet. Unsere Produkte sind nicht dazu gedacht, Krankheiten zu diagnostizieren, zu behandeln, zu heilen oder zu verhindern.

* This peer reviewed and published research has most probably not been studied or approved by the FDA in your country as a treatment or cure. Hence no disease claims can be made and you are welcome to take the natural ingredients for (immunity, lung health, cardiovascular health, etc). Homeopathy is medicine in USA but only for OTC issues. Ayurveda is medicine only in India and TCM is medicine only in China. Switzerland supports insurance payments for Homeopathy.

Gemäß der FTC-Durchsetzungsrichtlinien-Erklärung zu Marketing-Ansprüchen für OTC-Homöopathika muss jeder, der Homöopathie verkauft, angeben.

Es gibt keine ausreichenden wissenschaftlichen Belege dafür, dass die Homöopathie funktioniert, und

The product’s claims are based only on theories of homeopathy from the 1700s that are not accepted by most modern medical experts.

** Unsere Heilmittel werden traditionell seit Jahrhunderten in der Ayurveda und Homöopathie verwendet. Jedes Mittel hat eine unterschiedliche Menge moderner Forschung hinter sich. Wir halten uns, wenn wir uns an das Gesetz halten, nicht auf Wunderheilungen oder dauerhafte Ergebnisse. Einzelne Ergebnisse können von Individuum zu Individuum variieren.

*** Testen Sie unsere Produkte jetzt! Unsere bedingungslose 100% Geld-zurück-Garantie gilt für 90 Tage.

† All Homeopathic products are made in accordance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, a document which has been published for over 100 years and which is recognized as an “official compendium” by Sections 501(b) and 502(e)(3) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 351(b) and 352(e)(3) (“FD&C Act”).” These indications are based solely on traditional homeopathic use. They have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.

†† These testimonials are unsolicited and unedited except for the name of the sender. They contain the senders’ initials or first name only for purposes of privacy. These are actual emails from many we were able to help over the years. Testimonials represent a cross section of the range of outcomes that appear to be typical with these products. Your results may vary. We do however stand by our products and will refund you completely if our products don’t meet your expectations.

What we do is simply point you and your Doctors to independent research from all sources that we know of, on the ingredients or entire formulation of our natural products, which are Herbal, Ayurvedic, Bioenergetic, Homeopathic and Complementary in nature. We invite you to read these studies on our clinical trials page or on Results may vary from person to person as is depicted in the wide range of results seen in the clinical trials.



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